Welcome to my website! I am currently working in industry. Below you find links to my publications.
Journal Publications
- Reallocation with Priorities (with Julien Combe), Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 143, Pages 287-299, 2024.
- The Structure of Equilibria in Trading Networks with Frictions, Theoretical Economics, Volume 17 (2), pp 801–839, 2022.
- Welfare theorems for random assignments with priorities (with Akaki Mamageishvili), Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 124, pp. 62-81, Elsevier, 2020.
- Equivalent Choice Functions and Stable Mechanisms, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 123, pp 41-53, Elsevier, 2020.
- Top Trading Cycles, Consistency, and Acyclic Priorities for House Allocation with Existing Tenants (with Bettina Klaus and Mehmet Karakaya), Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 184, 104948, Elsevier, 2019.
- A Note on Ex-ante Stable Lotteries, Economics Letters, Volume 164, pp 90-93, Elsevier, 2018.
- Contracts versus Salaries in Matching: A General Result, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 159, pp 552-573, Elsevier, 2015.
- The Price of Anarchy in Network Creation Games is (Mostly) Constant (with Matúš Mihalák), Theory of Computing Systems, Volume 53, Issue 1, pp 53–72, Springer, 2013.
Conference Proceedings
- Shared sequencing as a noisy contest (with Akaki Mamageishvili) An extended abstract will appear in FC’24
- Would Friedman burn your tokens? (with Aggelos Kiayias and Phil Lazos) An extended abstract will appear in FC’24
- Axioms for Constant Function Market Makers (with Mateusz Kwaśnicki and Akaki Mamageishvili) An extended abstract appears in EC’23
- Buying Time: Latency Racing vs. Bidding for Fair Transaction Ordering (with Akaki Mamageishvili, Mahimna Kelkar and Ed Felten), AFT 2023
- On-Chain Auctions with Deposits (with Akaki Mamageishvili) Presentation, FC Workshop on Decentralized Finance, 2022
- Optimal Smart Contracts with Costly Verification (with Akaki Mamageishvili) ICBC 2020
- “Trading Networks with General Preferences” EC’19, Presentation. A modified version is published under the title “The Structure of Equilibria in Trading Networks with Frictions”, see above.
- Virtual Demand and Stable Mechanisms, EC’16. A modified version is published under the title “Equivalent Choice Functions and Stable Mechanisms”, see above.
- Asymmetric Swap-Equilibrium: A Unifying Equilibrium Concept for Network Creation Games (with Matúš Mihalák), MFCS 2012